Sunday, March 3, 2013

In the Bee-ginning...

I've always been a bit scared of bees...

When I was 10, my (knock on wood) only trip in an ambulance was because I had stepped in a nest of ground bees, and ended up with the hive on my head - stinging my scalp, face & everywhere they could. 

Traumatic memories of my mother frantically trying to pick them off my head with a towel comes to mind... Then a memory of a burly fireman holding me in his arms transporting me to the ambulance. -- I wonder if that's why I was drawn to my now ex-husband?!? LOL!

Anyway, that was over 35 years ago now...

This past year (November 25, 2012 to be exact), I found in my parent's yard an old speaker that once had an active hive in it... My father had moved it the year before to an 'out of the way' area after realizing he'd waited too long to take it to the dump. Well, seeing it wasn't active anymore, I decided to tear it apart to see what was inside & was absolutely AMAZED at the beeswax that was left. It's natural free-form, golden beauty entranced me...

Here are a few pictures...

The decision that I wanted to try bee-keeping took a-hold.

Am I afraid of being stung again? Well, not really -- I am a bit worried about a swarm of them attacking me again, but, I figure lightening won't strike twice... and I don't plan on 'stepping' on the hive, either! :)

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